Lion's Head Hike

After our trip to the Kalahari, things calmed down a lot. I have mostly been in class the past few days. The class is now looking at environmental issues more from a natural science perspective with some economics involved as opposed to from the people's perspective which means I feel a little more at home.

We recently walked up to the top of Lion's Head in Cape Town which is about 700 meters high (just under half a mile). It was a great hike, and really was not too difficult although there were a couple ladders that make the going more difficult if you have a dog. Most importantly though, here's the view from the top.


There's a little cliff ledge on the side as well, and it was on my bucket list to sit with my legs over the edge. So,

Me Sitting

It took us about an hour to the top and a little bit less to get down. A couple guys that ran past us hit the top in 27 minutes, so it looks like I have a goal.

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